Saturday, April 27, 2013

My name is Spiro and I’d like to let you know that I understand how confusing the subject of fitness and nutrition can be. I spent a good portion of my life obese and convinced that I had bad genetics. I tried all kinds of ridiculous diets, “revolutionary” infomercial workout machines and programs and always wound up back in the same place . . . chubby and confused!

My body loves to gain weight and it always has so I eventually just accepted that I had bad genetics and I would always be at least a little husky no matter what I did.

I had really let myself go when my doctor told me that I was a stone’s throw away from diabetes (which has led to many deaths in my family) and the extra weight was going to stunt my growth! I befriended a personal trainer at my local gym, who pointed me in all the right directions and by the year 1999 I was a certified trainer and a collegiate athlete.

Over the past decade I have developed a scientific, no nonsense, functional fitness formula that will not only give you the lean, toned balanced body you have always wanted, It will supercharge your metabolism so keep burning fat even when you’re not exercising!

Here is the best part! Up until recently I was still convinced that I had bad genetics. Sure I knew how to get in great shape but thanks to my “bad” genetics I had to work my butt off to stay there. One little slip and it was bye bye abs. Well, it turned out that I had not been suffering from “bad genetics”, I had been suffering from bad food!
I have discovered the answer to losing weight and keeping it off easily . . . and it is not some stupid calorie counting, low carbohydrates, Hollywood, grapefruit, powdery fad diet either.

With a few nutritional guidelines you will be enjoying real food without having to wrestle your way into jeans that used to fit.


Camu Care Pack (regular)

Camu Care Pack (regular)

Member Price $149.00

The Camu Camu berry is proving to be a stellar source of vital nutritional and skin care components. The whole fruit, complete with its cofactors, delivers the highest known natural vitamin C content in a highly bio-available form. The internal and external effects are further enhanced by a full spectrum of minerals and essential amino acids. The Camu Care Pack captures these components and delivers them in highly absorbable form.

Camu C Serum™ (1 oz)
ZAMU™ (750 ml)
Camu Gold™ (1 oz)
Pure Camu™ (30 freshpacks)

Camu C Serum™
Caress your skin with a topical infusion of natural antioxidants every time you use Camu C Serum™. This superior treatment serum penetrates deep into the skin’s surface, delivering key nutrients and stimulating healthy collagen production. As a result, your skin looks healthier, feels firmer, and glows just like it should!
  • Diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Protect Your Skin from Free Radicals
  • Speed the process of tissue regeneration
Clear your mind
  • Brighten your day
  • Enhances mood*
  • Supports cardiovascular health*
  • Provides nutrition for healthy skin, hair and nails*
Camu Gold™
Camu Gold™ is a power-packed pure liquid concentrate of certified organic Camu Camu, providing you with a unique blend of nutrients that not only cover most of your body’s basic needs … but also work synergistically to enhance your mood, clear your mind, and brighten your day.
  • Fortifies a healthy immune system with a uniquely balanced, nutrient-packed chemistry unlike anything else on earth*
  • Enhances your mood and gives you a greater sense of confidence*
  • Floods your body with vital micronutrients*
  • Offers the nutrition you need for healthy skin, hair and nails*
Pure Camu™
Pure Camu™ is a pure and natural extract from the exotic Camu Camu fruit, with all of the same benefits.
  • Enhances mood*
  • Supports cardiovascular health*
  • Provides nutrition for healthy skin, hair and nails*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.